Thursday, August 18, 2011

Follow me on Twitter

My account is Bonsaibevan. I would really love you to follow me. BUT most of all I'd love to have your comments about my tweets.

Here are some of the tweets I have written.

NZ TV showed Gabrielle Gifford's heroic return to the house. Congratulations! Did a bonsai tree help in your recovery?

Masterchef programme would fit Masterbonsai so well. Bonsaists could go head to head on producing different bonsai results just as chefs do.

What could I do to make bonsai 'SEXY'? just imagine the success? Whew!! Everyone would be interested.

How can I make a movie like Karate Kid but call it Bonsai Bevan and feature my bonsai? Would people come and see it?

What makes a great bonsai? It's shape, it's size, it's color or what? It all helps a good bonsai. Leave a note!

Can you tell me what the real difference is between Literati and Bunjin bonsai styles? I'd love to hear from you.

The best part of these tweets is that I include this URL

Happy Following,


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