Sunday, April 27, 2008

Respect the Bonsai

I've always thought that your bonsai trees should be put somewhere that will get your attention. They need to be placed so that you can look at them every day. If you get into the habit of stopping and asking, "How are you today?" It will be enough time for you to observe the state of your bonsai trees. The down side of this ideal is that when you leave home each morning in the dark and get home in the dark it is not so easy to keep a good eye on your bonsai.

I like to think that this is giving the bonsai tree respect and recognizing that it is growing in a pot and is dependent on me to keep it alive. It is much the same as having and looking after pets and on some occasions I have likened my bonsai trees as having children and providing for them to the best of my ability. Yes, the investment that I have made in looking after my bonsai trees is the same as looking after my children and I am still hoping that my bonsai trees turn out as successful as my children have done. The ups and downs you have to get your children to maturity is the same with the bonsai.

Happy Bonsai

Bonsai Bevan

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